Serving adult clients struggling with trauma, PTSD, drug/alcohol addiction, relationship issues, depression, and anxiety. Providing both in-person and virtual sessions to individuals who live in Georgia.

photo of lauren derossette

Therapy is a journey into yourself. It is choosing to step forward into growth rather than shy back into what is safe and comfortable. When we talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary. This process of self-discovery isn’t easy, but certainly worth it. Challenge equals growth, which equals healing! 

My approach to counseling is that of being direct, honest, and straightforward. I work hard to balance that with care, compassion, and empathy. I will push you, but not past your limits. At times it may feel as if I am pushing you past your limits but that is because often times we aren’t able to see our true potential.  

"The only way out, is through." -Robert Frost


IFS is a holistic approach to therapy where clients learn to identify their different inner parts and understand how important each role is in making up the whole person.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based psychotherapy for psychiatric disorders, mental health problems, and somatic symptoms.

In short, hypnotherapy is talk therapy, but in a deep relaxed state. It is designed to engage
your subconscious mind and address the impact
of your experiences. 

When you love and care for someone deeply, emotions and reactions run high making it difficult to see things clearly. I can help you navigate and translate thoughts, perceptions, and feelings.


If you are struggling with an addiction, know you aren’t alone. You can overcome the issues you are facing and get started on the road to recovery and healing.  

Trauma Therapy

Do you experience painful emotions, like sadness, fear, or hopelessness, but aren’t quite sure why? Have traumatic events caused you to experience flashbacks, nightmares, intrusive thoughts, or emotional detachment?

"Be kind; for everyone you meet is fighting a battle." - Plato